Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 5

Today's selection: What are the five things that make you happiest right now?

1) In the very short term, tomorrow is a Thursday, and that makes me very happy. I don't have work on Thursdays, and classes are out, so tomorrow I get to sit down and paint as much as I want. I'm incredibly excited about that because it usually takes a while to get all my paint stuff put up and then cleaned up, so the actual time in the middle (where I, you know, paint) is shortened by maybe an hour.

2) Honestly, writing, and the prospect of continuing to write for the next 25 days. It's fun to do, and I look forward to doing it. Also, the fact that I take hallucinogenics while writing makes it exciting.

I don't really do that.

But these answers don't really lend themselves to being fun, interesting, or funny. So I apologize. But this is really for me, not you. Stop being so selfish.

3) Snuggling with Jes while feeling Autry try to punch me. Although usually Jes tells me things like "She's moving around a ton! Come feel quick!" so I run over and put my hand on the baby sac and... nothing. It's like a hush falls over the uterus and Autry starts playing the "I'm a statue" game. Which I find kind of lame. You hear that in there Autry!? LAME.

I need to teach her English so she'll know how lame that is.

4) Getting a full night's sleep. I know I'm not going to be enjoying this one much longer, but to be honest, I haven't had many of them for quite some time. Baylee, in keeping with the tiny motif she's got going on, also contains a thimble sized bladder. So usually around 2:30 in the morning, Baylee insists on going outside. Since I'm the member of the family that has the least amount of difficulty rolling off of beds, I'm the one who takes her out. Baylee's been good practice for sleepless nights.

5) Eating really good food. We had Indian food this week, and Dad took us out to the Melting Pot while he was here a few weeks ago. It's probably one of my favorite things ever. I don't actually like eating all that much, what with the Crohn's thing, but man, when food is amazing, it can't help but make me smile.

And when it's Indian food, I know I'll have plenty of time to do my reading in the bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous on The Melting Pot, and MAN are you going to be pissed at Bailey when Autry comes. Because the idea of getting up for anything else will be extremely aggravating (in my experience, anyway). But maybe you'll have an Andrew/Joy baby where they don't want to bother you with petty things like eating in the middle of the night.

    What's your book going to be about?
