Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

James got two cards today, one from me, one from Baylee. I thought I'd share Baylee's.
Sorry this is turned sideways. Baylee thinks its very important to be clear when addressing a card.

She is such a clever dog! And look how she traced her paw it almost looks like she was struggling against herself while she traced it . . .

I'd like to point out that while James is not yet a father someday he will be. In the very distant future. In a galaxy far, far away.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Crazy Dog Lady

I often worry about being "that crazy dog lady" because we don't have any kids and Baylee ends up being treated more like a child than a pet. Not always because we want to do that, sometimes Baylee makes the decision for us. Like the time she gave herself stress colitis from her serious separation anxiety, started bleeding from a place no being should, we had to rush her to the vet at midnight, and Dr. Erkison said she might need to go on anxiety medication. OUR DOG might need "puppy prozac" as she called it. That's just kind of embarrassing. No one wants to tell people that story, "yeah, we have to go pick up Baylee's anxiety medication . . ." No thank you. So we instead bought a Thunder Shirt.
(notice the huge neck fat roll)
The shirt seems to be working which is nice since the dumb thing was $35. Then we went to City Creek up in Salt Lake and I saw something that made me realize I am not the crazy dog lady. Nope that is the lady who had this coming out of Banana Republic:
Just substitute two tiny yorkies for that shiba inu. Yeah, I am SOOOOOO good right now.