Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 1, and drawings!

So I was sitting here trying to decide which video game I wanted to play when I realized I didn't really want to play any of them. This is not a common problem I have.

I also recently decided that I want to start writing at least 500 words a day. I've always had a dream about publishing a novel. Or becoming the next J.K. Rowling. Not literally.

Actually maybe literally. Hmmm.

I've always had a problem though, what I'm sure some expert somewhere (Hollywood Upstairs Medical School?) would call inertial paralysis. I am almost always an object a rest. The impetus required to get me to commence a project is usually quite large, and honestly it's a lot easier to just keep sitting here. Plus the idea of writing an entire novel is exhausting. Since the mere idea of writing tens of thousands of words is daunting, then actually writing them has yielded exactly what you'd expect. About 60 words in the form of an unfinished outline.

Anyways, so I decided I'd follow in Julia's footsteps and do that 30 day writing challenge thing, complete with my own embarrassing answers. I'm hoping that if I can write consistently for that long, I'll be able to use my momentum to actually keep writing.

It's unlikely, but hey, maybe you'll get some entertainment out of it.

So without further ado, here's number 1:

List 10 random facts about yourself.

1) I cut off the tip of my left middle finger when I was a smaller human and had it surgically reattached. The nail grows funny now.
The keyboard is in focus for whatever reason.
That's why I'm not a professional photographer.

2) I didn't realize how hard listing random facts about myself would be. It turns out it's pretty difficult to say something that isn't trite, or boring. I spent about 5 minutes thinking before I wrote that.

3) That last fact was boring. I want to own a motorcycle mostly for the gas mileage, but also because I would look awesome riding this Honda Shadow Phantom. Please donate now.

2013 Shadow Phantom Matte Black Metallic

4) I can only sleep on my right side. At least, I can't fall asleep on my back, stomach, or left side (and I assume I can't fall asleep standing up or doing a handstand, although I've never tried. It's that lazy part of me again, I guess?). Because I sleep of the left side of the bed, this means I always fall asleep with my back to Jes, which usually evokes a "Yoooou haaaaate meeeeee!" as I try to get comfortable.

5) Speaking of sleep apparently I thrash a bit sometimes, and that's resulted in me punching/elbowing/love tapping Jes. In the face. At least a half dozen times (according to her). I guess I sleep-abuse?

6) I have a recurring nightmare (all of the details are exactly the same, every single time) that started when I was maybe 7 or 8. I'm walking through a meadow (first problem, why couldn't I be walking somewhere manly, like a castle, or maybe an airship)

when I come a cross a very small stone well. And by come across, I mean that I see it, walk up to it, and inevitably fall in.

The well is dome shaped, and instead of it being a regular well full of water, it is instead full of lava.

I somehow manage to fall onto a small outcropping that keeps me from, you know, becoming my constituent atoms.

I gaze into the lava, and as I stare into the bubbling surface, when what other than a crocodile jumps out to try and bite my face off.

I leap back and realize that the small outcropping I'm on is actually just an entrance to a cave.

I head to the cave entrance, and it is blocked. By what you ask? By a caveman of course.

Only he's not a regular caveman.


He's got a revolver.

Gun-caveman (or the cave-gunman?) beckons me into the dark cave, and I begin to follow, and then

I wake up.

I've had this dream dozens of times (most recently about 3 months ago), and it always ends right there. The details are all always exactly the same (although rendered a bit more realistically than I can mange with my Wacom and Sketchpad).

7) I shave using double edge razors. Jared Klundt got me into this, and I've finally reached the point where I'm not constantly destroying my face from being too rushed, or not holding the razor right. And now that I've gotten here, I actually really enjoy it.

8) The closest I've ever been to a true celebrity was filming an athletics project with Steve Young for BYU. My then-roommate Jon Howe was making movies for in between the 3rd and 4th quarters at BYU football games, and Mr. Young came for an afternoon to film with us. Yes, I spoke with him. It was super classy and we were all playing it cool until a guy who decided to show up that day to film some behind the scenes stuff pulled out like 3 footballs and a jersey to get signed. Lame. We beat him up.

9) If I had an incredibly large sum of money (I guess this is a continuation of that "if I were J.K. Rowling" fantasy I have?), I would donate lots and lots of it to NASA. They do such amazing things with the paltry budget they have, imagine what they could do, what we would find if it was higher. *steps on soapbox* In 1966, NASA received 4.41% of the national budget, the highest percentage wise in their history. If we were to give them 4.41% of our budget now (about 168 billion dollars) instead of the .5% they get now, we would get a lot more of this:

So. Freaking. Cool. Go look up the wikipedia article on this photo, Pillars of Creation. *steps off soapbox*

10) I'm not a huge fan on pot roast. Everyone else in the world seems to love it, but it has always tasted dry to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll eat it when someone I love makes it, but it's not my favorite food.

So there you go. That took a lot longer than I thought it would. Thanks to Julia for both the idea to get me writing, and for allowing me to steal (I didn't ask, but I assume she would've said yes, so that's basically the same thing, right?) the idea of drawing stuff in the midst of my blog posts.

And for those of you keeping track (which is only me, let's be honest), I wrote just over 1,100 words.

Go me!


  1. You're jacking all my blogging stuff!! *angry face*

    Actually, I'm way cool with it, and looking forward to more my-brother-is-way-funnier-than-me posts. Is that recurring dream for reals?? I was literally LOLing, and I don't do that often when reading. How have I never heard of it before?

    Also, it took me forever to do ten random facts about myself, too. It's harder than it looks, right?

    Now I want to work on MY novel some mores. Because if you do it before me I will be very upset at us both. Mostly me.

    1. Yeah, that dream is totally real. I've gone years without having it, and it'll pop back and say hi a few times before disappearing for another while.
