Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I have . . . fish. . .

Last Friday I was in the teacher's lounge when a group of six students (4 of mine, 2 I didn't know) came in very excited. "Beesley, we got you something!" One of them produced from under his hoodie this:

I said, "Ya right. What are those really for?"

"No really, for YOU!"


I'm actually pretty sure that last one I said in my head, but I did mention that I now had to go buy a tank and, "thanks . . . guys . . ."

I first went to Petco, where the fish had been purchased and thanked the nice man for selling six goldfish to a group of high school students so they could gift them to me. He looked rather sheepish. Then I proceeded to spend $43 on a very basic setup drove back to school and decided I didn't want a real tank so I ran across the street to Walmart and got a big glass jar-like-thing. I filled it with water and stuck the bag in there to equalize the temperature.

Then I decided the "tank" needed rocks so I pulled out the baggy and decorated a little.

Yes, much better.

Then I did some water mixing and eventually let them be free!
And then I fed them and left for the weekend, terrified the whole time they would all be dead when I came back Monday. I don't like death. Imagine my excitement when all six, P.D., Sugar, Cinnamon, Spice, Candy, and Splenda were all alive and accounted for after those two days! But, then Candy and Cinnamon did not survive allegedly (via anonymous note on the tank) because there was not enough surface area to give all of them the needed oxygen. So I had my T.A.s fill up the bigger tank and I put in the filter (it has a cool waterfall action going on) and hopefully the others will live. Even if its in a way less-cool tank.
It looks lame, but decorations are expensive, so . . . at least they're alive!

P.S. I did not name the fish, they came pre-named and P.D. actually stands for "Pimp Daddy." Can you see why he's going by P.D.?

P.P.S. Okay, maybe I named Splenda.


  1. I happen to love the name Splenda for a fish. perfect. It's like a real pet, but we all know it is just an imitation and not as sweet as the real thing! Ha ha. I like the action shots too! Are you going to leave them at school or take them home?

    1. They are staying at school. Interestingly enough the kids love them.

  2. I love the names, & it's perfect that you christened one "Splenda"! Can you tell them apart or do they wear name tags?

    1. Honestly, the names I like least are the ones that have died. So which ever golden one lives longest is Splenda.
